4 Ways Going Hosted Protects Your District
Keeping your students’ data safe is essential in a world filled with ransomware attacks and security breaches. Taking every available measure to safely house and protect student data is the first step in preventing a potential disaster. Aeries Cloud Hosting can...
An End of School Year Wrap Up from Brent Lloyd
Reflecting on the 2022–2023 School Year Dear Aeries Friends & School Partners, As we wrap up the 22-23 school year, it’s natural to look back on the prior year to examine how far we’ve come and what we plan for the future. Like many of you, this year, we’ve...
Introducing the Student Success Advisory Board
Do you love talking about student empowerment at the dinner table? Do you passionately discuss grading policy while in line at the local coffee shop? Is student success engrained in everything you do? Well, we have just the thing for you: introducing the Student...